Published Works

1.1. Venous Anastomosis in the Deep Superficial Instep. O Hospital, vol.75, nº. 6: 2203-2213, June 1969.

1.2. Polycythemia Rubra Vera. Laboratory-Clinical Aspects. Report of a Case. Review of the Literature. O Hospital, vol.76, nº. 3: 1103-117, September 1969.

1.3. N. Peronaeus Profundus. O Hospital, vol.77, nº. 2: 679-698, February 1970.

1.4. Dermatomyositis. Clinical and Histopathological Observations. Report of Two Cases. A Folha Médica, vol.60, nº. 3: 233-246, March 1970.

1.5. Anatomical Considerations of a Variable Tendon Intersection in the M. Obliquus Abdominis Internus. O Hospital, vol.77, nº. 3: 1005-1016, March 1970.

1.6. Anatomical Study of the Ventral, Lateral and Uper Part of the Obliquus Abdominis Internus Muscle. A Folha Médica, vol.60, nº. 6: 567-588, June 1970.

1.7. Clinical-Immunological Study of Cutaneous Necrotizing (Hyperergic) Angiitis. O Hospital, vol.78 nº. 4: 1007-1023, October 1970.

1.8. Study of Terminal Distribution of the Deep Peroneal Nerve. Preliminary Report. A Folha Médica, vol.61, nº. 6: 503-507, December 1970.

1.9. Nodular Dermal Allergide of Gougerot. Report of a Case. The Australasian Journal of Dermatology, vol.II, nº. 3: 113-118, December 1970.

1.10. Sjogren Syndrome. J. Bras.Med., vol.20, nº. 1: 53-70, January 1971.

1.11. General Considerations on Congenital Cardiopathies. A Folha Médica, vol. 62, nº. 4: 419-432, April 1971.

1.12. Statistical Data on Collagen Vascular Diseases during a 10 Year Survey. O Hospital, vol.80, nos. 2, 3 and 4: 317-332, August, September and October 1971.

1.13. Therapeutic Trial in Patients Presenting Hypertensive Crisis Attending an Emergency Hospital (Preliminary Report). A Folha Médica, vol.63, nº. 5: 657-664, November 1971.

1.14. Immediate Hypersensitivity Reactions Following Anti-Typhoid Vaccination. A Folha Médica, vol.63, nº. 6: 915-918, December 1971.

1.15. Study of the Terminal Nervous Distribution of the Fibularis Profundus Nerve (Preliminary Considerations). A Folha Médica, vol.64, nº. 5: 911-943, May 1972.

1.16. Finding of Trifurcations in the Terminal Distribution of the N. Fibularis Profundus. A Folha Médica, vol.5, nº. 3: 561-564, September 1972.

1.17. Therapeutic Evaluation of the Uncomplicated Hypertensive Crisis in the Emergency Environment. Arq. Bras. Cardiol., 25: 307-316, August 1972.

1.18. Lown-Ganong-Levine Syndrome. A Folha Médica, vol.65, nº. 4: 705-712, October 1972.

1.19. Sickle Cell Anemia in Pregnancy. J.Bras. Gin., 74(4): 291-300, 1972.

1.20. Morquio Syndrome-Biochemical, Radiological and Clinical Study. Prensa Med. Mexico, nº. 7-8: 306-317, 1974.

1.21. Transfer Factor Immunotherapy. A Folha Médica, 71(1): 35-36, 1975.

1.22. The Intraventricular Conduction Blocks. A Folha Médica, 71(2): 119-120, 1975.

1.23. Streptococcal Meningitis in Pregnancy. Wisconsin Medical Journal, 75: 1-2, January 1976.

1.24. Systemic Mastocytosis Associated with Presence of Rheumatoid Factor. JAMA 235(15): 1586-1587, April 12, 1976.

1.25. Penicillin-Associated Pulmonary Hyersensitivity Reaction and Interstitial Nephritis. Annals of Allergy, 37(3): 183-190, September 1976.

1.26. The Histopathology of Acute Nitrofurantoin-Associated Pneumonitis. Annals of Allergy, 37(4): 275-279, October 1976.

1.27. Development of Lupus-Like Syndrome Following Thymectomy for Myasthenia Gravis. Wisconsin Medical Journal, 75: 103, October 1976.

1.28. Pulmonary Hypersensitivity to Nitrofurantoin. R. Médica, 6(9): 9-17, 1976.

1.29. The Biological and Clinical Significance of Immunoglobulin E. A Folha Médica, 73(6): 593-598, 1976.

1.30. Iatrogenic Klebsiella Meningitis Folowing Closed Needle Biopsy of the Lumbar Spine. Wisconsin Medical Journal, 76: S 41-42, March 1977.

1.31. Lymphopenia in Acute Nitrofurantoin Pleuro-Pulmonary Reactions. J. Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 59(6): 445-448, 1977.

1.32. Aerosol Beclomethasone: An Important New Steroid Treatment of Chronic, Severe Asthma. Wisconsin Medical Journal, 76: S 90-91, July 1977.

1.33. Frequency of W4 and W6 Antgens in Perennial, Non-allergic Asthmatics. The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 60(4): 236-237, October 1977.

1.34. Serum IgE Levels in Giardiasis. Clinical Allergy, 8: 69-71, 1978.

1.35. HLA Antigen Frequencies in Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis. Clinical Allergy, 8: 73-76, 1978.

1.36. Fatal Polymicrobial Meningitis in a Patient with Epidermoid Carcinoma Complicating Acne Conglobata. Wisconsin Medical Journal, 77: S 43-45, April 1978.

1.37. Flunisolide – A New Nasal Topical Corticosteroid – Pilot Study. A Folha Médica, 76(4): 235-236, 1978.

1.38. Critical Analysis of Cow’s Milk Allergy. A Folha Médica, 76(4): 273-275, 1978.

1.39. Aerosol Beclomethasone. The Digests – International Editions, O.R.L.: 58-59, May 1978.

1.40. Response to Corticosteroids in the Hypereosinophilic Syndrome – Association with Increased Serum IgE Levels. Archives of Internal Medicine, 138: 1244-1246, August 1978.

1.41. Aerosol Beclomethasone Treatment of Chronic Severe Asthma – A one-year experience. JAMA, 240(12): 1260-1262, September 15, 1978.

1.42. Dermatophagoides Farinae Antigen Skin Test Sensitivity in Wisconsin. Annals of Allergy, 41: 283-284, November 1978.

1.43. Serum IgE levels in Chagas’ disease. Clinical Allergy, 8: 383-385, 1978.

1.44. Serum IgE levels in Amoebiasis. Clinical Allergy, 8: 565-7, 1978.

1.45. Absence of Inhibitory Effect of Leprosy Sera Upon Normal E Rosetting. International Journal of Dermatology, 17(8): 649-651, October 1978.

1.46. Concepts and Indications of Immunotherapy in Allergic Disorders. A Folha Médica, 78(5): 377-380, 1979.

1.47. Therapeutic Management of the Allergic Problems in Pregnancy. Femina, 7(11): 820-822, Nov. 1979.

1.48. Persistent Cough as the Sole Manifestation of Asthma in Pregnancy. Annals of Allergy, 43(5): 310, November 1979.

1.49. Studies on Alternaria Allergens – Isolation of a Major Allergenic Fraction (ALT-1). The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 66(2): 138-147, 1980.

1.50. Serum IgE levels in TOXOPLASMOSIS. Annals of Allergy, 45(4): 251-252, Oct. 1980.

1.51. HLA Antigen Frequencies and Natural History in Alternaria – Sensitive and Perennial Non-Allergic Asthmatics. The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 66(5): 408-416, November 1980.

1.52. Short-term Efficacy Trial and Twenty-four-Month Follow-up of Flunisolide Nasal Spray in the Treatment of Perennial Rhinitis. The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 67(1): 2-7, 1981.

1.53. Letter to the Editor. Annals of Allergy, 45(6): 381, December 1980.

1.54. Letter to the Editor: Repiratory Atopy in Rio de Janeiro (Southern Region). Annals of Allergy, 47: 204, September 1981.

1.55. Skin Test Sensitivity to Acacia Pollen in Brazil. Annals of Allergy, 47: 180-181, September 1981.

1.56. Bronchial Asthma – Concepts. Clínica e Terapêutica, 11: 853-858, 1982.

1.57. Basic Concepts of Immunology. J. Bras. Med., 45(4): 54-63, 1983.

1.58. Pneumonia Caused by Varicella Virus. A Folha Médica, 89(1): 21, 1984.

1.59. Rhinitis. Revista Brasileira de Clínica e Terapêutica, 10: 430-434, 1984.

1.60. Common Variable Immunedeficiency. Report of a Case. Cadernos Luso-brasileiros de Alergia e Imunologia, 4(1): 3-6, 1985.

1.61. Atopic Dermatitis. Revista Brasileira de Clínica e Terapêutica, 14(8): 254-258, 1985.

1.62. Asthma and Allergies in Pregnancy. J. Bras. Med., 50(5): 63-66, 1986.

1.63. Food Allergy. J. Bras.Med., 51(2): 32-40, 1986.

1.64. Cholinergic Urticaria. Report of a Case. A Folha Médica, 93(2): 69-70, 1986.

1.65. IgA Deficiency and Bronchial Asthma. Jornal de Pediatria, 61(4): 259-264, 1986.

1.66. Phagocytic Dysfunction. Ars. Curandi Dermatologia, 3: 23-28, 1987.

1.67. Immune-Tolerance in Pregnancy. J. Bras.Med., 52(5): 50-52, 1987.

1.68. Taux Sériques D’IgE Dans Le Paludisme. Comptes Rendus De Thérapeutique, 4(44): 22-23, Septembre 1986.

1.69. Additives: Allergy and Idiosincrasy. J.Bras.Med., 53(2): 56-63, 1987.

1.70. Immunological Tests. Prática Hospitalar, 3(3): 20-21, 1988.

1.71. Allergic Vascular Purpura Associated with Minocycline. Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia, 63(3): 325-326, 1988.

1.72. “Respiratory Atopy in Rio de Janeiro”. New England and Regional Allergy Proceedings, 9(4): 359, 1988.

1.73. Ocular Allergy. In: Cadernos de Terapêutica em Pediatria: Alergia e Imunologia. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Editora Cultura Médica Ltda., p. 127-132, 1989.

1.74. Immunotherapy in Allergic Disorders. In: Cadernos de Terapêutica em Pediatria: Alergia e Imunologia. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Editora Cultura Médica Ltda., p.138-142, 1989.

1.75. Viral Respiratory Infections and Asthma: Frequent Association in Pediatric Practice. Alergia Pediátrica, 3: 17-18, 1989.

1.76. Genetic Control of the Immune Response. J.Bras.Med., 56:28, 1989.

1.77. Poison Ivy, Mangoes, Cashews, and Dermatitis. Annals of Internal Medicine, 110: 1036-1037, June 15, 1989.

1.78. Cold-induced Cholinergic Urticaria – Case Report. Annals of Allergy, 63: 29-30, 1989.

1.79. Physical Urticarias – A Review. Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia, 64:317-319, 1989.

1.80. Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis does exist in Brazil. Annals of Allergy, 63: 325-326, 1989.

1.81. The World Importance of Mite Allergy in the Pathogenesis of Respiratory Atopy. Alergia Pediátrica, 5: 32-38, 1989.

1.82. Respiratory Atopy in Rio de Janeiro. Annals of Allergy, 64: 171-173, 1990.

1.83. Sinusitis and the Ostiomeatal Complex. Alergia Pediátrica, 1: 8-10, 1990.

1.84. Triatoma Antigen’s Skin Test Reactivity. Revista Brasileira de Alergia e Imunopatologia, 13(4): 153, 1990.

1.85. Serum IgE levels in Trichomonas vaginalis infection. ACI News, 2(3): 84-85, 1990.

1.86. Allergies (Pregnancy Associated Diseases). In: Rezende, J., Obstetrics, 6th edition, vol. I, Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan editors: 400-404, 1991.

1.87. Neurodermatitis. J.Bras.Med., 60:75, 1991.

1.88. Control of Hereditary Angioedema with the Androgen Stanozolol. Jornal de Pediatria, 67(3/4): 61, 1991.

1.89. Mixed Physical Urticaria-Association of Cold and Cholinergic Urticaria. J.Bras.Med., 61: 30-31, 1991.

1.90. Book: “The Use of the Immunologic Power – A Practical Guide to the Understanding and Treatment of Allergies”. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Imago Publishing Co., 1991.

1.91. House Dust Mite Allergic Sensitivity in Rio de Janeiro. ACI News Sup., 1:260, 1991.

1.92. Good Corticosteroid Response in Asthma Associated with Pulmonary Infiltrates, Hypereosinophilia and Hyperimmunoglobulinemia E. J.Bras.Med., 61(3): 37-38, 1991.

1.93. Hereditary Angioedema – Diagnosis and Treatment. Alergia Pediátrica, 1: 3-4, 1991.

1.94. Control of the Hereditary Angioedema with Stanozolol. Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia, 66(6): 293-296, 1991.

1.95. Association of Panic Disorder with Bronchial Asthma. J.Bras.Med., 62(3): 111-114, 1992.

1.96. Allergic Disorders. Cadernos de Alergia e Imunologia, 8(1): 3-13, 1992.

1.97. Nasal Secretion Microscopy in the Diagnosis and the Treatment of Rhinitis. J.Bras.Med., 63(1): 172-174, 1992.

1.98. Delayed Pressure Urticaria and Angioedema. Revista Brasileira de Alergia e Imunopatologia, 15(5): Abstract 131, 1992.

1.99. Serum IgE Levels in Cutaneous Leishmaniasis. ACI News, 4(2): 54, 1992.

1.100. Regulation of Human IgE Synthesis. An. Acad. Nac. Med., 152(4): 151-152, 1992.

1.101. Domestic Mite Allergic Sensitivity in Rio de Janeiro – A Preliminary Report. Rev. Bras. Alerg. Imunopat., 16(1): 269-272, 1993.

1.102. Delayed Pressure Urticaria and Angioedema. Cadernos de Alergia e Imunologia, 8(3): 15-17, 1992.

1.103. Food-Dependent Exercise Induced Anaphylaxis. J.Bras.Med., 64(4): 83-84, 1993.

1.104. Update of the Molecular Biology of Antigen Recognition. An. Acad. Nac. Med., 153(2): 90-91, 1993.

1.105. Corticophobia in Asthma Therapy. An. Acad. Nac. Med., 153(3): 137-139, 1993.

1.106. Domestic Mite Allergy in Respiratory Atopy in Rio de Janeiro. An. Acad. Nac. Med., 153(4): 174-175, 1993.

1.107. Multi-test Skin Testing in the Diagnosis of Respiratory Allergy. An. Acad. Nac. Med., 154(1): 30-31, 1994.

1.108. Reproductive Immunology. An. Acad. Nac. Med., 154(2): 72-73, 1994.

1.109. Respiratory Atopy and Domestic Mite Sensitivity in Rio de Janeiro. ACI News, Sup. 2: 453, 1994.

1.110. Reproductive Pathologic Immune Responses. An. Acad. Nac. Med., 154(3): 126-127, 1994.

1.111. Cutaneous Antigen Presenting Mechanisms. An. Acad. Nac. Med., 154(4): 234-235, 1994.

1.112. “In Vitro” Diagnosis of Allergic Diseases. Revista Bras. Alerg. Imunopatol., 17(6): 264, 1994.

1.113. Forum: Allergy in Ophtalmology. Revista Brasileira de Oftalmologia, 54(2): 69-75, 1995.

1.114. Differential diagnosis of urticaria and angioedema in systemic lupus erythematosus. An. Acad. Nac. Med., 155(1): 43-46, 1995.

1.115. Respiratory Atopy and Domestic Mite Sensitization in Rio de Janeiro. Revista Bras. Alerg. Imunopatol., 18(1):13-18, 1995.

1.116. Allergies and Immunological Changes. In: Rezende, J., Obstetrics, 7th edition, Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan editors: 477-482, 1995.

1.117. Immunological characterization of the respiratory mite sensitization in Rio de Janeiro. An. Acad. Nac. Med., 155(2): 76-78, 1995.

1.118. Partial benefit of dapsone in the control of delayed pressure urticaria and angioedema. An. Acad. Nac. Med., 155(2): 97-98, 1995.

1.119. Asthma and Pregnancy. In: Negreiros, B. & Ungier, C. Alergologia Clínica, 1st. edition, vol. I, Rio de Janeiro: Atheneu editors: 216-220, 1995.

1.120. Allergy to Physical Agents. In: Negreiros, B. & Ungier, C. Alergologia Clínica, 1st. edition, vol. I, Rio de Janeiro: Atheneu editors: 311-314, 1995.

1.121. Euroglyphus maynei sensitization in patients with respiratory atopy in Rio de Janeiro. Rev. Bras. Alerg. Imunopatol., 18(6): 215-218, 1995.

1.122. Imported fire ant anaphylaxis. An. Acad. Nac. Med., 155(3): 144-146, 1995.

1.123. Euroglyphus maynei (Em) skin test reactivity in patients with asthma and or rhinitis in Rio de Janeiro. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol., 97(1) Part 3: 225, 1996.

1.124. Vibratory Angioedema. An. Acad. Nac. Med., 155(4): 240-241, 1995.

1.125. Allergic Bullous Dermatitis Following Mosquito Bites. J.Bras.Med., 70(1-2): 55-56, 1996.

1.126. Physical Urticarias – Diagnosis and Treatment. Annals of the First International Symposium of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Salvador-BA, Brazil, 1996.

1.127. Mite Allergy in Brazil. Annals of the First International Symposium of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Salvador-BA, Brazil, 1996.

1.128. Allergic sensitization to cattle and rabbit epithelia in a rural area of Rio de Janeiro. An. Acad. Nac. Med., 156(1): 19-20, 1996.

1.129. Mite Allergy in Rio de Janeiro. A Prospective Study of 700 Patients with Asthma and/or Rhinitis. J.Bras.Med., 71(1): 164-170, 1996.

1.130. Immune-Allergic Abnormalities Related to the Medical Associated Professions. Annals of the Third Scientific Meeting of the Brazilian Academy of Cranial-Oral-Cervical Physiopathology. p.15, 1996.

1.131. VLA-4 (CD 49 d) Expression on T Lymphocytes. An. Acad. Nac. Med., 156(2): 89-90, 1996.

1.132. Clinical Pathology in Allergy. Ars Cvrandi, 8(26): 63-66, 1993.

1.133. Non-thrombocytopenic vascular allergic purpura caused by etidronate. An. Acad. Nac. Med., 156(3):146-147, 1996.

1.134. Book: “Allergy, Happiness”. Rio de Janeiro: Record editors, 1997.

1.135. Allergy and Exercises. J. Med. Exerc., 17:3, 1997.

1.136. Latex allergy. J.Bras.Med., 73(4):88-92, 1997.

1.137. IgE mediated latex allergy in a surgical unit. Rev. Bras. Alerg. Imunopatol., 20(5): 166-168, 1997.

1.138. Latex allergy in a surgical center. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol., 101(1, part 2): S 204, 1998.

1.139. Communication between the knowledge of allergy and society. An. Acad. Nac. Med., 157(1): 29-30, 1997.

1.140. Cytokines and the Immune Regulation. An. Acad. Nac. Med., 157(2): 97-102, 1997.

1.141. Possible effectiveness of dapsone in chronic idiopathic urticaria. An. Acad. Nac. Med., 157(2): 103, 1997.

1.142. IgE Mediated Latex Allergy – Case Report. Cad. Alergia Asma Imunol., 10(1): 8-10, 1998.

1.143. Association of chronic localized angioedema of the tongue with Hepatitis B. Ann Allergy, Asthma Immunol., 81:96, 1998.

1.144. Allergic and Immunological Disorders in Pregnancy. In: Obstetrics, 8th edition, vol. I, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Guanabara Koogan S.A. editors: 505-509, 1998.

1.145. Schamberg’s Disease: pigmented purpuric lymphocitic capilaritis. Rev. Bras. Alerg. Imunopatol., 22(2): 57-59, 1999.

1.146. Allergic Reactions after Ingestion of Parasitized Seafood by Anisakis Simplex. Rev. Bras. Alerg. Imunopatol., 22(2): 60-62, 1999.

1.147. Immunology in Candidiasis. JBM, 76(5): 12-28, 1999.

1.148. An Overview of Mite Allergy in Brazil. Cad. Alergia Asma Imunol., 11(2):17-22, 1999.

1.149. IgE mediated allergic reactions to the venoms of Solenopsis invicta and wasps. J. Bras. Med. 77(2): 120-122, 1999.

1.150. Absence of IgE-Mediated Latex Sensitivity in Dental Students and Staff. UFES Rev. odontol. 1(2): 16-19, 1999.

1.151. Blomia tropicalis sensitization as a risk factor for the development of allergic rhinitis. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 84: 369, 2000.

1.152. Successful outcome of montelukast overdosage in an asthmatic child. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 84: 370, 2000.

1.153. Asthma in Pregnancy and Premenstrual. G.O. Atual 3: 29-34, 2000.

1.154. Marked peripheral edema associated with montelukast and prednisone. Ann Intern Med 132: 924, 2000.

1.155. Protozoan infections do not elevate total serum IgE. A Brazilian investigation. J. Bras. Med. 78 (5): 106-108, 2000.

1.156. The linkage asthma-rhinitis and its therapeutic implications. Rev. Bras. Alerg. Imunopatol. 23 (3): 118-123, 2000.

1.157. Dapsone in the treatment of chronic idiopathic urticaria. Cad. Alerg. Asma Imunol. 12 (1): 18-19, 2000.

1.158. Benefit of colchicine in the treatment of Schamberg’s disease. Ann. Allergy Asthma Immunol. 85: 246, 2000.

1.159. Allergy skin tests. Committee on tests, immunotherapy and antigen standardization. Rev.Bras.Alerg.Imunopatol. 23(4): 134-136, 2000.

1.160. Physical urticarias: dermatoses with mast cell dysfunction- classification. An. bras. Dermatol. 76 (1):105-113, 2001.

1.161. Anesthesia in Asthma. J. Bras. Med. 80 (5): 38-40, 2001.

1.162. Anesthesia in the asthmatic patient. Rev. bras. alerg. imunopatol. 24(4): 169, 2001.

1.163. Painful, acute, unilateral breast masses in men. J. Bras. Med. 81 (3): 29, 2001.

1.164. Allergic and Immunologic Disorders in Pregnancy. Biotechnology. In: Obstetricia, 9th edition, vol I, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Guanabara Koogan S.A. editors, p521-525, 2002.

1.165. Idiopathic Anaphylaxis. Rev. Bras.Alerg. Imunopatol. 24 (6): 229-233, 2001.

1.166. Malignant idiopathic anaphylaxis does exist in Brazil. Ann. Allergy Asthma Immunol. 88: 645, 2002.

1.167. Unified airways disease concept: a continuum and systemic atopic process. Rev. bras. alerg. imunopatol. 25 (3): 74-80, 2002.

1.168. Relationships of Ocular Allergy, Nasal Allergy, Sinusitis & Asthma: an Anatomic, Physiologic and Immunopathologic Continuum. Syllabus of the First Brazilian International Congress of Allergy & Immunology, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Vol I, p25-30, December, 2002.

1.169. Oral Allergy Syndrome in an Adult. J. Bras. Med. 84(4): 26, 2003.

1.170. Management of allergies during pregnancy. Rev. bras. alerg. imunopatol. 26 (3): 79-88, 2003.

1.171. Relationships of ocular allergy, nasal allergy, sinusitis and asthma: an anatomic, physiologic and immunopathologic continuum. Rev. bras. alerg. imunopatol. 26 (3): 89-94, 2003.

1.172. Recurrent abortions and in vitro fertilization failures. New laboratory aspects. Laes Haes. 147: 148-150, 2004.

1.173. Basic Notions of Cutaneous Immunology. In Dermatology (Azulay and Azulay), vol I, pp.15-30, 3rd edition, 2004, Guanabara Koogan S.A. Publishers, Rio de Janeiro, RJ.

1.174. Idiopathic anaphylaxis in a child. Rev. Bras. Alerg. Imunopatol. 2004; 27 (2):76-79.

1.175. Successful novel treatment of Schamberg’s purpura with colchicine. Einstein 2004; 2(3):206-207.

1.176. Allergies and immunologic changes. Biotechnology applied to reproduction. In: Obstetricia, 10th edition, vol. I, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Guanabara-Koogan S.A., p546-553, 2005.

1.177. Localized heat urticaria associated with Grover’s disease. Rev. Bras. Alerg. Imunopatol. 27(6):231-236, 2004.

1.178. Green bean’s allergy in an adult. J. Acad. Nac.Med. 163 (1): 37-39, 2003/2004.

1.179. Brazil nut induced anaphylaxis. J. Acad. Nac.Med. 163 (1): 41-43, 2003/2004.

1.180. Coconut induced anaphylaxis. J. Acad. Nac.Med. 163 (1): 45-47, 2003/2004.

1.181. Book: Diagnosis and treatment of immunologic diseases – For internists, pediatricians and residents. Elsevier Editors. First edition, 2005. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.

1.182. Chapter: Allergy and pregnancy in the Book: Diagnosis and treatment of immunologic diseases – For internists, pediatricians and residents. Elsevier Editors. First edition, 2005. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.

1.183. Chapter: Immunology of reproduction in the Book: Diagnosis and treatment of immunologic diseases – For internists, pediatricians and residents. Elsevier Editors. First edition, 2005. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.

1.184. Chapter: Allergy and anesthesia in the Book: Diagnosis and treatment of immunologic diseases – For internists, pediatricians and residents. Elsevier Editors. First edition, 2005. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil

1.185. Urticaria and angioedema following subcutaneous injection of recombinant human granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (rhuGM-CSF) in a patient with metastatic melanoma. An. Bras. Dermatol. 80 (6): 641-642, 2005.

1.186. Basic Notions of Cutaneous Immunology. In Dermatology (Azulay & Azulay), vol I, pp.16-27, 4th edition, 2006, Guanabara Koogan S.A. Publishers, Rio de Janeiro, RJ.

1.187. Penicillin Allergy: practice parameters. Rev bras alerg imunopatol. 29 (5): 194-200, 2006.

1.188. Louis-Bar Syndrome. In: Dermatology Atlas-from semiology to diagnosis (Azulay-Abulafia L, et al.), first edition, pp.652-653, 2007. Elsevier Editors, Rio de Janeiro, RJ.

1.189. Aspiration before immunotherapy injection is required. J Allergy Clin Immunol 120 (1): 220-221, 2007.

1.190. Hereditary angioedema (HAE) in Brazil: Registry of 120 cases. Molecular Immunology 2007; 44:3963-4.

1.191. Physical urticarias: mast cell disfunction. Preventive, diagnostic and therapeutical approach. Einstein. 2007; 5(3):273-280.

1.192. Hereditary angioedema (HAE) in Brazil: Registry of 120 cases. Rev Bras Alerg Imunopatol 30(4):136, 2007.

1.193. Angioedema induced by mustard. An Acad Nac Med 2007; 178 (3):47-49.

1.194. Basic Notions of Cutaneous Immunology. In Dermatology (Azulay), vol I, pp.16-28, 5th edition, 2008, Guanabara Koogan S.A. Publishers, Rio de Janeiro, RJ.

1.195. Anaphylaxis in Brazil-survey of Brazilian Association of Allergy and Immunopathology (ASBAI). Allergy 2008; 63 (88):S122-123.

1.196. Urticaria and anaphylaxis triggered by exercise. Cardiol Exerc 2008; 36:1-3.

1.197. Sulfonamide Allergy. Rev Bras Alerg Imunopatol 31(3):102-107, 2008.

1.198. Food dependent and food independent exercise-induced anaphylaxis. Rev Bras Alerg Imunopatol 31(6):227-229, 2008.

1.199. A survey of allergists regarding the association of thyroid autoimmunity with chronic urticaria. Urticaria and Angioedema Committee of the AAAAI. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2009; 123 (5):1173-1175.

1.200. Asthma, Rhinitis and Pruritic Dermatosis. Rezende Obstetrics, pp.603-609, vol. I, RJ, Guanabara Koogan Editors, 11th edition, 2010.

1.201. Dust mite-contaminated wheat flour induced anaphylaxis. Rev Bras Alerg Imunopatol 2009; 32 (5):199-201.

1.202. Risk factors for atypical anaphylaxis: biphasic, multiphasic, protracted and fatal. Einstein 2010; 8 (1 Pt 2):3-4.

1.203. Abstract: Hereditary Angioedema (HAE) Brazilian Registry: Challenges and Preliminary Results, 30th Congress of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 11-15 June 2011.

1.204. Mite contaminated flour anaphylaxis. Rev Med Report 2010; 106:46-47.

1.205. Anaphylaxis in Brazil-Survey from ASBAI. Rev Bras Alerg Imunopatol 2010; 33(5):190-198.

1.206. Exercise-induced anaphylaxis. Phadia ReCAPitulando 2011; 43 (July-August).

1.207. Cells of the Allergic Inflammation. In: Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Atheneu Editors, vol I, pp 45-53, Rio de Janeiro, 2012.

1.208. Anaphylaxis in Latin America: a report of the online Latin American survey on anaphylaxis (OLASA). Clinics (Sao Paulo) 2011; 66(6):943-7.

1.209. Guidelines for the anaphylaxis management. Rev Bras Alerg Imunopatol 2012; 35(2):53-70.

1.210. International Consensus on (ICON) Pediatric Asthma. Allergy 2012; 67 (8):976-997.

1.211. Asthma, Rhinitis and Pruritic Dermatological Disorders. In: Obstetrics, Vol I, pp:650-657, Gen/Guanabara Koogan Editors, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 2013.

1.212. Risk factors for atypical anaphylaxis. Inovar Saude Third edition, December 2012-March 2013; 78-9.


2.1. Summary of the Paper “Study of Terminal Distribution of the Nervus Fibularis Profundus” published in the Section of Varieties of the Annals of the XII Brazilian Surgery Congress and XII Interamerican Surgery Congress, Rio de Janeiro, p.159, 1971.

2.2. Excerpts from International Literature. A Folha Médica, vol. 63(2): 340, 341 and 343, August 1971.

2.3. Excerpts from International Literature. A Folha Médica, vol. 65(1): 266-267, July 1972.

2.4. Excerpts from International Literature. A Folha Médica, vol. 65(5): 1019, November 1972.

2.5. Dr. William S. Middleton and the University of Wisconsin Medical School. A Folha Médica, 71(1): 103-106, 1975.

2.6. Contribution to the book – “Obstetrics” by Jorge de Rezende, M.D., – Chapter: “Infectious Deseases”. 3rd edition: 426-436.

2.7. Summary of the paper “Systemic Mastocytosis Associated with Presence of Rheumatoid Factor”. Wisconsin Medical Journal, 75(11): S-123, November, 1976.

2.8. Abstract of the American Congress of Allergy and Immunology – Scientific Paper: “Immunological and Histopathological Aspects of Acute Nitrofurantoin Pleuro-Pulmonary Reactions”. New York, USA, March 28-31, 1977.

2.9. “Aberrant Immune Responses Cited for Two Common Drugs”. Hospital Practice, p.31, June 1977.

2.10. Abstract: “Immunological and Histopathological Aspects of Acute Nitrofurantoin Pleuro-Pulmonary Reactions”. Annals of Allergy, 39(1): 72, July 1977.

2.11. Summary of the paper: “Treatment of Perennial Rhinitis with Flunisolide”. Annals of the XVI Brazilian Congress of Allergy and Immunopathology, Belo-Horizonte, Brazil, p.71, 1978.

2.12. Summary of the paper: “HLA in Asthma”. Annals of the XVI Brazilian Congress of Allergy and Immunopathology, Belo-Horizonte, Brazil, p.33, 1978.

2.13. Summary of the Round-Table: “Abuses of Immunotherapy”. Official Themes of the XVI Brazilian Congress of Allergy and Immunopathology, Belo-Horizonte, Brazil, p.11, 1978.

2.14. “Serum IgE Levels in Chagas’ Disease”. Abstracts. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 57(3):13, 1979.

2.15. “Allergy – A Threat to this Smile”. Magazine “Pais & Filhos”, Bloch editors: nº.7, p.30-32, March 1979.

2.16. “Aerosol Beclomethasone Treatment of Chronic Severe Asthma – A One Year Experience”. Abstracts. Annals of Allergy, 42: 267, April 1979.

2.17. Respiratory atopy in Rio de Janeiro. Allergology (Janssen Library), 8(2): 20, 1990.

2.18. Allergy. Bronstein Informe, April 1992.

2.19. Physical Urticarias: Allergy and Immunology. Bronstein Informe, Nov./December 1996.

2.20. Prodoctor Digest – Allergy. 6:10-13, December 1997.

2.21. Allergies and Asthma: Present and Future. Bronstein Informe, Jan./Feb. 1998.

2.22. American College of Physicians. American Society of Internal Medicine Newsletter, December 1998.

2.23. American College of Physicians. American Society of Internal Medicine Newsletter, June 1999.

2.24. Honorable mention in the ACP-ASIM Observer, 19(9): 13, October 1999.

2.25. American College of Physicians-American Society of Internal Medicine Newsletter, October 1999.

2.26. American College of Physicians- American Society of Internal Medicine Newsletter, May 2000.

2.27. American College of Physicians- American Society of Internal Medicine Newsletter, October 2000.

2.28. American College of Physicians- American Society of Internal Medicine Newsletter, May 2001.

2.29. Anesthesia in Asthma, Poster Syllabus, 10th Annual Meeting of the ACP-ASIM Brazil Region, August 11, 2001, Rio de Janeiro.

2.30. American College of Physicians-American Society of Internal Medicine Newsletter, November 2001.

2.31. American College of Physicians-American Society of Internal Medicine Newsletter, March 2002.

2.32. New Therapeutic Strategy for Crohn’s Disease. ABCD em FOCO 14:10, 2003.

2.33. Scientific review of the translation into Portuguese of the book Neuroscience-Fundamentals for Rehabilitation, second edition, Laurie Lundy-Ekman, Elsevier, 2004.

2.34. Control of Atopic Dermatitis, Lopso Editors, 2004, Brazil.

2.35. Asthma and allergic rhinitis. Experience with anti-leukotrienes. Medico Reporter, 57: 74-76, July 2004.

2.36. How new medicines are developed. ABCD 21:16, 2005.

2.37. Case of non controlled asthma. Scientific program of the International Symposium on anti-IgE, 2005.

2.38. Asthma-Correlation between mechanisms and therapeutic strategies. Journal of the ASBAI-RJ, July/August 2006.

2.39. Pharmacogenetics of Inflammatory Bowel Disease, ABCD em Foco 2006; 27:20.

2.40. Vaccines that not always immunize patients with IBD, ABCD em Foco 2006; 28:18.

2.41. Dissertation: “Physical Urticarias”, approval to become Immortal Member of the Academy of Medicine of Rio de Janeiro, November 21, 2006.

2.42. Imunopathogenesis of Asthma. Site ASBAI-RJ 2007.

2.43. Imunopathogenesis of Asthma and Comments on Published Articles, Newsletter of the ASBAI-RJ, Jan/Apr 2007.

2.44. Escherichia Coli and IBD. ABCD em Foco 2007; 31:21.

2.45. Allergy. Medico Reporter 89:34-35, Oct 2007.

2.46. Scientific review of the translation into Portuguese of the book Cellular and Molecular Immunology, Abbas, Lichtman, Pillai, Elsevier Editors, 2008.

2.47. Idiopathic Anaphylaxis: Immunological Entity. Site of the ASBAI-RJ, January 2008.

2.48. Exercise induced anaphylaxis. AAAAI 2008 Annual Meeting, March 15, 2008, Philadelphia, PA, USA.

2.49. Anaphylaxis in Brazil-Survey of Brazilian Association of Allergy and Immunopathology (ASBAI), Poster at the EAACI 2008, Barcelona, June 7-11, 2008.

2.50. Therapy with Immunomodulators. Site of the ASBAI-RJ, April 2008.

2.51. New Forms of Immunotherapy. Site of the ASBAI-RJ, April 2008.

2.52. Comments on Published Articles, Newsletter of the ASBAI-RJ, Jan/Apr 2008.

2.53. Comments on Published Articles, Newsletter of the ASBAI-RJ, May/Aug 2008.

2.54. Comments on Published Articles. Site of the ASBAI-RJ, May 2009.

2.55. Exercise-induced anaphylaxis: food dependent and independent. Newsletter of the ASBAI-RJ, Jan-April 2009.

2.56. Treatment of eosinophilic esophagitis. Newsletter of the ASBAI-RJ, Jan-April 2009.

2.57. Comment on Published Article, Newsletter of the ASBAI-RJ N° 8, May/August 2009.

2.58. Comment on Published Article, Newsletter of the ASBAI-RJ N° 9, Sept/Dec 2009.

2.59. Review of the chapter Treatment of Diabetics with Allergic Problems, book Current Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus, Zagury Leão and Zagury Roberto, first edition, Guanabara Koogan SA editors, pp 417-425, 2009.

2.60. Scientific Site of the Academy of Medicine of Rio de Janeiro: “Risk Factors for Atypical Anaphylaxis”, 2012.

2.61. Handout “Food Allergy and its Relation to Anaphylaxis”, AAAAI Annual Congress, March 22, 2013, San Antonio, TX, USA.

2.62. Handout “Physical Urticarias”, AAAAI Annual Congress, March 23, 2013, San Antonio, TX, USA.

2.63. Site of the ASBAI-RJ, “Management of patients with possible monoclonal mast cell disorders”, 2013.

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