Tempo seco, com previsão de aumento de doenças respiratórias
Matéria do jornal O GLOBO.
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Matéria do jornal O GLOBO.
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Tratamento das crises de angioedema hereditário com injeções subcutâneas de antagonista de receptor II da bradicinina e de inibidor da calicreína, com excelentes resultados clínicos, prevenindo assim o edema de glote potencialmente fatal.
Treatment of acute hereditary angioedema attacks with subcutaneous injections of bradikinin II receptor antagonist and kalikrein inhibitor, with excellent clinical outcomes, preventing the evolving acute angioedema and reducing therefore its potential fatal complications are now available. New promissing oral and sublingual immunotherapy are being investigated in the area of food allergy. New immunomodulatory treatments with […]